On October 01, Telegram receiving a September update which brings a couple of new features like Search Filters, Anonymous Group Admins, Channel Comments, and more for better user experience. Below you can check the full information.
Search Filters:
From now on, you can filter search results by type using the new tabs: Media, Links, Files and others. To search for a particular time period, just type “August 14” or “Yesterday”. Typing the name of any person, group, channel or bot will add a filter by source. These search filters can be combined, which lets you look for something as specific as messages with a link, sent in March 2016, containing the word “boat”.
Anonymous Group Admins:
Toggle Remain Anonymous in Admin rights to enable Batman mode. The anonymized admin will be hidden in the list of group members, and their messages in the chat will be signed with the group name, similar to channel posts.
Channel Comments:
Telegram added a comment button to posts on channels with discussion groups. Comments show up in a cozy little thread of their own, but will also land in the discussion group to keep everyone in the loop and make it easier for admins to keep the conversation civil.
Join Our NNS Channel On TelegramIf you are not a member of the channel’s discussion group, you will be notified about replies to your comments via a new chat called Replies. For a limited time only, you can test this feature on this channel. If you’d like to enable discussions in your own channel, head to Channel Settings > Discussion.
Amazing Android Features:
Our Android wizards didn’t forget to pack some new smooth animations. To get a taste, try expanding or hiding your keyboard – or switching between your day and night themes from the left menu. You will also see animated popups when deleting messages, changing notifications, saving media, etc.
In case you’re more into practical things, press and hold on any profile picture in a group chat to take a closer look. And if you’re using multiple accounts in one app, you can now preview the chat lists of your other accounts using the same gesture in the account switcher.
Animated Emoji:
We carry on with our quest to animate every emoji in existence. To get one of these in a chat, simply send a message with a single emoji.