Apple may have announced that it will go exclusively to ARM processors, but this is a project that Microsoft has been struggling to perfect for years. Her first attempt with the Surface RT was a complete failure, something that seems to follow her to this day.
Although Microsoft has already released a new Surface with Qualcomm’s ARM processor, that doesn’t mean owners and critics are happy with the new effort. The biggest downside to the device is its performance, although low power consumption seems to be a bet that has already been won. In an effort to improve performance, it looks like Qualcomm is preparing a more powerful SoC, which will run on an upcoming version of the Surface Pro X. The device went through Geekbench with much better performance than the original model. The reason seems to be the timing of the processor, as it is now at 3.15Ghz, unlike the 2.84GHz of the Snapdragon SQ1.
Sources so far are talking about an upgrade of the GPU as well, with the Adreno 680 going up to 718MHertz. The first devices with the new SC8180XP SoC are expected towards the end of 2020, the same period that we expect the renewed version of the Surface Pro X, which was released in October 2019.