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Android Messages Lost Text Messages Using Google Messages

Google Messages

Google Messages

Google Messages app has become the preferred texting app for many users around the world, but it seems that some users have reported a fairly serious bug: the text message is gone.

According to the foreign media Android Authority, users on the Google Messaging Support Forum have noticed that their text messages are disappearing without any explanation. The topic dates back to January 2019, but users did not post complaints until this month.

Users reported seeing wrong text messages, messages from some contacts were incorrectly marked as coming from another contact, and the app crashed before losing all text messages.

Suggested solutions include restoring factory settings and data, switching to other SMS apps, uninstalling Messages via the Play Store (hence reverting to a pre-installed version), and clearing the app cache/storage. But the success of each solution cannot be guaranteed.

Although the Moto G7 series seems to report any problems, the problems are not limited to specific mobile phones. Other devices affected by Google Message errors include HTC One, Huawei P20 series, LG G8s, Moto G5 Plus, Pixel XL, Pixel 2 and Pixel 3.

Some Pixel 3 users had previously encountered the disappearance of Google Messages in 2018.

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