As a major aspect of the full acknowledgment of carbon-natural by 2030, Apple today announced its most recent innovation in recycling innovation, the iPhone dismantling and recycling robot. Dave”.
According to Apple, the Dave robot can dismantle the Taptic Engine, the iPhone’s material engine, to all the more likely recoup center materials, for example, uncommon earth magnets and tungsten. Obviously, it can likewise reuse steel materials. Contrasted and another iPhone dismantling robot “Daisy”, “Dave” is far superior in such a manner.
Apple also said today that all iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple Watch devices launched last year are made of recycled materials, including 100% of the rare earth elements used in the iPhone Taptic Engine, which are used in Apple and any smartphone All for the first time.
Through product design and recycling innovations, Apple reduced its carbon footprint by 4.3 million tons in 2019. In the past 11 years, Apple has reduced the average energy used by its products by 73%.
Today, Apple has also received commitments from more than 70 suppliers to use 100% renewable energy for Apple’s production equipment, which is equivalent to a commitment to provide nearly 8 gigawatts of power for its product manufacturing. Once completed, these commitments will avoid more than 14.3 million tons of carbon dioxide each year, which is equivalent to reducing more than 3 million cars on the road each year.