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Apple has started manufacturing and providing free medical equipment

Apple CEO Tim Cook

Apple CEO Tim Cook

Apple CEO Tim Cook posted a video on Twitter saying that Apple has given 20 million masks and is working with governments to give them where required.

Apple has also banded together with item designers, engineers, organizations, bundling groups and providers to design and assembling upgraded face masks for human services laborers. Cook introduced one of these masks in the video.

“Our first mission was delivered to the Kaiser Hospital facility in the Santa Clara Valley last week and the response from doctors was very positive,” says Tim Cook. “Each shield is assembled in less than two minutes and is fully adjustable,” he continued.

Apple intends to send in excess of a million enhanced masks before the current week’s over and one million weeks after week masks every week starting now

“We’re focusing on the unique ways in which Apple can help, responding urgently to the basic needs of those who care about our health and on a large scale, the ones that circumstances require,” Tim Cook concluded.

“Apple is committed to supporting the worldwide response to COVID-19. We’ve now sourced over 20M masks through our supply chain. Our design, engineering, operations, and packaging teams are also working with suppliers to design, produce and ship face shields for medical workers ”.


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