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Canalys: Samsung ranked 1st in Q3 2020 mobile phone shipment

Q 3 2020 Smartphone shipment

Q 3 2020 Smartphone shipment

The Korean tech giant Samsung has ranked 1st in Q3 2020 mobile phone shipment, the Chinese company Huawei achieves 2nd place and Xiaomi takes 3rd place in this list and so on. According to the Canalys report, in this Q3 Samsung has shipped 80.2 million smartphone units, Huawei 51.7 million, Xiaomi 47.1 million, Apple 43.2 million, Vivo 31.8 million, and other smartphone companies shipped 94 million units. In Q3 2020, there are a total of 348 million units shipped worldwide.

Market research agency Counterpoint, IDC and Canalys released a report on the global smartphone market for the third quarter of 2020. The sales volume / year-on-year change/market share of the TOP 7 brands are ranked in order. Below you can check the details.

Canalys reports the Q3 2020 sales volume with the brand’s details:

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