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National Emergency Announced Due to Covid-19

Now everyone knows about the Covid-19. Covid-19 was firstly detected in Wuhan, China and day by day it spread all over the world. World Health Organization (WHO) said that Covid-19 is an epidemic disease. The whole world badly suffering from this epidemic disease. For fighting with Covid-19 various countries decided for the lockdown. India’s Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi has announced for 21days lockdown.

Emergency and lockdown are now very necessary because this is the only way to protect our nation and people. Don’t be panic to think about lockdown situation because livelihood amenity will be providing in this situation. Medical stores, glossary shop, mother dairy or Sanchi parlour will be open during the lockdown. After that people have to take some precaution such as:

• Avoid physically social.
• Wash your hand every an hour with soap or you can use an alcohol-based sanitizer.
• Avoid touching nose, eye, neck, ear and mouth via hand frequently.
• Avoid travelling.
• If you are infected from coughing or sneezing so that use mask, napkin or tissue and dispose it properly into a dustbin.
• Avoid one to one communication.
• Clean your home by sanitizer, especially door, window and household things.

Don’t ignore these precautions because that is the only things which can protect you by Covid-19.

China and Italy are very much affected this Corona Virus disease because they did the mistake and they didn’t announce an emergency in the country at that time. They did a mistake here and because of that the death ratio is highly increased and now the condition is out of control.

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