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.NET 5.0 Preview 2 released by Microsoft

.NET 5.0 Preview 2

.NET 5.0 Preview 2

Microsoft has now released .NET 5.0 Preview 2, bringing enhancements in usefulness and performance. This version includes .NET 5.0.0 Preview 2 and .NET SDK 5.0.100 Preview 2.

Users need to utilize Visual Studio 2019 16.6 to utilize .NET 5.0, and can likewise install the most recent version of C # expansion to utilize .NET 5.0 with Visual Studio Code. Visual Studio for Mac isn’t as of now supported.

.NET 5 included support for Windows ARM64 for the first time, and the preview version is scheduled to be released to GA in late November this year.

Scott, Microsoft’s director of program management, previously stated that .NET 5 is the future of .NET Framework and .NET Core, and will eventually become a unified platform. .NET 5 will include ASP.NET core, Entity Framework core, WinForms, WPF, Xamarin and ML.NET.


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