A rumor spreads. Samsung reportedly plans to launch a giant, almost 1-inch, 150 MP nonacell sensor in the fall.
Xiaomi is said to be launching a smartphone with the new giant 150 MP nonacell sensor in autumn 2020. Oppo and Vivo are planning smartphone models with the sensor in early 2021.
150 MP resolution in a smartphone. It’s getting crazier. Because of many doubt whether this huge resolution really makes sense. Even if the sensor would be almost 1 inch tall.
The approach that Huawei is taking is much better. Large sensors with fewer megapixels. Since the better pictures will probably come out with. But the megapixel craze has long reached smartphone buyers.
Of course, the resolution of 150 MP will only be possible with the help of pixel binning. The resolution of the photo is rumored to be around 16 MP.