The coronavirus (COVID-19) currently just determines everything. Culture, economy, social life. And if you believe some reports, then we all die from it! At the moment it is largely exaggerated!
Of course, you should not trivialize it, but you should also leave the church in the village! At the moment, one has a feeling that the government wants to try out whether their risk emergency plans really work and how far they can limit life in Germany.
But if you still want to find out how far the virus has spread worldwide and in Germany, there are 2 reliable maps. These are trustworthy and without criminal ulterior motives. Because you have to be a hell of a fit at the moment because of course fraudsters also try to capitalize on the coronavirus (COVID-19).
There is also an internationally accessible map of the John Hopkins University that can be classified as trustworthy. The numbers vary a bit, of course, but on the whole, they are correct.
But again, don’t panic or panic! Everyone should just be a little careful about rethinking their hygiene, not moving around in large crowds, etc.
For most people, the coronavirus (COVID-19) is completely harmless, as, with any viral or infectious disease, older people or people with previous illnesses are of course particularly at risk. You should really exercise caution here.
On the other hand, children are hardly at risk, even though they are considered to be the largest carrier of the virus. Of course, there are complicated cases here too, but here too there are usually previous illnesses.
And above all one thing is important to keep calm. It is assumed that since the coronavirus (COVID-19) is easily transferable, 60-70 percent of Germans will probably be infected with it, but for the majority of it, there will be no recognizable symptoms.
And who knows what the dark figure is. Who knows if he is “infected”? Wasn’t it a cold you had last week? So, Calm Down!