Last month, the Telegram messaging app team added some new features, including a new video editor and animated stickers in photos and videos. Today, the new version is released to increase the version number to 6.3, adding more features to the application on multiple platforms. First, Telegram will increase the size limit of shared files on the app from 1.5GB per file to 2GB. In contrast, WhatsApp allows media files to be shared up to 16MB and files up to 100MB.
This update also includes the ability to change profile pictures to profile videos. When someone opens the user profile, the video will play, and you can select a specific screen from the video to display in the chat. The new version can also view previous profile pictures and videos, and select one of them as the main profile picture to replace the current picture.
The video editor also provides a new option for photos and videos from the front camera, and it adds a beauty function (not wrong). The development team also added mini-thumbnails to the photos in the chat list and notifications instead of general-purpose thumbnails for media files. If you like animated emoticons, today’s update also adds some new emoticons.
There are also other improvements to the chat experience. The first is an improvement to the “Nearby People” function, and now it can also display the distance between the user and any detected contacts. Users who frequently receive newcomer messages other than their contacts can now automatically mute these chats and send them to the archive, but this needs to be enabled from the privacy settings page of the app.
As early as March, Telegram added the option of viewing channel statistics to measure follower engagement over a period of time. Statistics are now available for channels with 500 users or more, and for groups with 500 members or more.
Android users now also have a redesigned built-in music player and an expandable tracklist. The video editor now allows cropping and rotating videos, and the text input box expands smoothly with more lines. At the same time, the Telegram desktop version now supports multiple accounts. Similar to the mobile application, this feature has been supported on mobile phones and tablets since 2017.